The respect for his convictions, as well as his passion and delivery for the art have generated in him, an emphatic thought that derives in a consistent plastic creation and always innovative. Their creative talent embraces engraving, painting, sculpture and mural. This year, Julio Chico already celebrates a twenty-eight year-old uninterrupted trajectory.
He was born April 12 of 1947 in Mexico City and he discovered himself as an artist since the fourteen years old. He carried out their professional studies in the National School of Plastic arts of the UNAM from 1965 to 1970.
As a watchword, the works of his first stage (1977-1985) were postal very urban full with satire to the human poverty, sometimes to the economic one, others to the spiritual one. In that moment the color and the form in their graph recreated similar atmospheres to Goya's black engravings. The Personajes (Characters) collection gathered all the characteristics of this singular production.
Then, in the search of a development and conceptual growth he leaned toward the watercolor, elaborating very similar topics to the previous ones, but immediately he also approached the oil and he decided to incorporate feminine images to tinge the atmospheres. Símbolos(Symbols) were the great thematic exhibition that exemplified this period. The used formats reached up two meters or more, as the feminine figure was incorporated in a remarkable way.
In 1987 the evolution of master Julio Chico was radicalized and consolidated regarding to the color, the thematic and the format. In the new work everything was overturned toward the origin of our roots, the search of the prehispanic culture.
The symbolism of the deities of our ancestors appeared in his paintings, material that constituted the great exhibition: Homage to the Valley of Mexico, in 1993. In it were gathered oils of great format and stupendous coloring mainly, where the mexican idiosyncrasy is rescued. The volcanos of the most transparent region were fundamental characters of the work.
Not very later on, as answer to many queries about the syncretism of our great culture, in 1996 the series of acrylic and oils on cloth arose the denominated Almas Fracturadas (Fractured Souls), which were part of its first presence in the Museum of Art of Queretaro.
There, among brown, orange, blue, red and yellow colors fused in rough but at the same time vibrant textures, Julio Chico narrates the painful and complex process of the miscegenation, the insults of the colonization until the new civilization was formed, which doesn't still lose its prejudices and marginalization. He describes as no other artist the encounter of two cultures.
Then, with the security that can only give the balance among the technique, the thought and the feeling, the author's production go out from the canvas and the first plane to intrude in the sculpture. Generating then the collection Raíces(Roots).
His works in this discipline are imposing, monumental. La Defensa (The Defense), Dualidad y Mujer Águila (Duality) and (Woman Eagle), Quetzatcóatl Cósmico (Cosmic Quetzalcóatl), Chacmol, Coatlicue y Tláloc, are a real proof of it and they hardly bring us a little to the vigor and the rigor that Julio Chico prints to all his works.
Regarding this last, from their beginnings, he has always looked for to be a complete artist without caring the discipline or technique, he demands himself that all work has the same excellence level, but very especially he demands dignity in all the facets of its production. It is without a doubt, a committed artist.
Today with the maturity that characterize him and motivated by his "demons" as he calls them to its restlessness and creative thoughts, also endowed, for a great internal synergy, is in charge of of the Universe, of the forces that move it, those that move us.
The Planes of Euclides, the Space Geometry, the Graveness, the Light, the genesis and the death of the stars, the Black Holes, the Galaxies, the Cosmic Powder, the Bing Bang, in short everything that that intrigues and that at the same time fascinates the man, all they are the topic of this new sculpture-painting collection and work denominated graph Cosmovisión, 25 años luz (Cosmovisión, 25 years light), title that plays also with the words, in an intent to give the fair dimension of an artist whose life and freedom creators are a natural legacy, an unfading wind... witnesses and energy of Julio Chico.

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